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Thai Railways

Luggage Storage

Storage of Sports Equipment etc.
Most Thai Railways Passengers travel with one large and one small piece of Luggage and use only a modest amount of space on train luggage racks.. A few passengers don't travel so lightly, and seem to think the luggage rack is only for their bags. The Luggage Storage Facilities on Thai Trains vary from Class-to-Class.

*In First-Class Sleepers - Bags are Stored in Passengers' rooms.
*In Second-Class Sleepers (Fan or Air-Conditioned) - Luggage is Placed on Racks Beside the Berths. Passengers with 'Upper Berths' should use an upper luggage rack. This may be difficult if a bag is quite large or heavy. If the train is not crowded, you should be able to put your bag on the lower rack, even if you have an 'Upper Berth'.
*In Second-Class Seated (Fan or Air-Conditioned) - Luggage can be stored at the end of the carrianges behind the end row of seats. There may also be overhead racks for small baggage.
*In Third-Class - These trains can get very crowded and not all passengers have seats, so you should keep your bag in eyesight. There may also be overhead racks for small luggage, but large luggage will have to sit on the floor.


Luggage Allowance
The general Luggage Policy on Thai Railways Trains is One Large Piece of Luggage and a Carry-On Bag Per Passenger. This rule is flexible and extra bags are generally not charged.

Bicycles and Other Large Items (i.e..Surfboards, Motor Cycles) must be taken in the Freight Carriage. There may be a surcharge to take oversized items like these. Some Train Services (The 'Daytime Express' from Bangkok to Maiang Mai) don't allow Bicycles on board.

Thai Railway