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Thai Railways

Chiang Mai Train Station

Chiang Mai Rail Station is across the Ping River (East bank) (two kilometers east of the city center), at the intersection of Charoen Muang Road and Rat Uthit Road (27 Charoenmuang Road). Chiang Mai Station is near the main Post Office. Chiang Mai Station is clean and well-organized and there are several services available inside the Station. There are two Advance Booking offices. One is at the Regular Ticket Windows, and the other is in an Air-conditioned office. There is also a 'Left-Luggage Counter' if you need to store your baggage for a few hours or even a few days. There are several travel agencies (use only the agencies inside stations) and an ATM. Chiang Mai Rail Station is a First-Class Service Station. There is No Train Service to destinations North of Chiang Mai.

Chiang Mai - Local Transfer Information
Chaing Mai Train Station has local buses connecting to Chaing Mai Bus Station. There is always the option of private taxi. Etc etc.

Quick Facts on Chiang Mai Train Service
  • Travel Time to Bangkok - 12-14 hrs.
  • Thai Railways Offers 4 to 6 'Special Train Service Excursions' to/from Chiang Mai around New Year, Songkram or other Special Holidays and Festivals.
  • Thai Railways runs 14 Trains a day (of a variety of service types) from Bangkok's Hualamphong Station to Chiang Mai Rail Station.
  • Distance to Bangkok - ?? km


Train Services to/from Chiang Mai

* Express Nakhonphink Train No. 1 from Bangkok (Only Sleeper Car)
* Express Nakhonphink Train No. 2 to Bangkok

* Diesel Rail Special Express Train No. 9 from Bangkok
* Diesel Rail Special Express Train No. 10 to Bangkok

* Diesel Rail Special Express Train No. 11 from Bangkok
* Diesel Rail Special Express Train No. 12 to Bangkok

* Special Express Train No. 13 from Bangkok
* Special Express Train No. 14 to Bangkok

* Express Train No. 51 from Bangkok
* Express Train No. 52 to Bangkok

* Rapid Train No. 101 from Bangkok
* Rapid Train No. 102 to Bangkok

* Rapid Train No. 109 from Bangkok
* Rapid Train No. 110 to Bangkok

* Local Train No. 407 from Nakhon Sawan
* Local Train No. 408 to Nakhon Sawan

* E&O Train from Bangkok (Not daily)
* E&O Train to Bangkok

*Additionally from November 1, 2006 to January 31, 2007 SRT may service a Special Train called 'Ratchaphruk Express' Train no. 963 and 964, running daily to Chiang Mai to serve the Ratchaphruk 2006 Festival.

Chiang Mai - Going to Chiang Mai By Thai Railways Various Rapid, Express, Special Express, Express Diesel, and Sleeper Services are available from Bangkok's Hualamphong Station to Chiang Mai Train Station. The trip takes from 11 to 14 hours depending on the Type of train Service (Local, Rapid, Express, or Special Express). The Daytime Trains have only Second and Third-Class (Fan only) seats, with no sleeping berths, and are the only trains which don't allow bicycles. The most popular Train Service to Chiang Mai is Second-Class Sleeper, and tickets are often 'sold-out'. Advance Booking is advisable, especially between November and March (High Season). Tickets can be purchased up to 60 days in advance. Chiang Mai is the Final Station on Thai Railways Northern Line, and the Central 'Hub' of Northern Thailand. From Chiang Mai, there is a variety of bus services to/from destinations all over Northern Thailand, including Chiang Rai, the Golden Triangle Area, and Northern Laos. There are many interesting things to see and do in and around Chiang Mai, such as taking an organized 'trek' offered by almost every travel agency.

Thai Railway