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Thai Railways

Suratthani Train Station

The Surat Thani Train Station is located in Phun Phin (14 km West of Surat Thani). Surat Thani (Phun Phin) Railway Station (SRN) is the Central Main Rail 'Hub' on Thai Railways Southern Line. Trains pass through every 20 minutes. Surat Thani is also the Central Southern Penninsula's 'Bus and Minivan 'Hub'. Passengers on both trains and busses from points North, South, East, and West usually have to change busses and trains there. Surat Thani Railway Station is on the East Bank of the Tapi River in Thakham City, Phun Phin district. Surat Thani Station first opened in 1915, and was originally named Phun Phin Station (it's actually in Phunphin). The name was later changed to 'Surat Thani Railway Station', due to Surat Thani's closeness to many popular beach destinations. Services inside Surat Thani Station include a 24-hour 'left-luggage' room, an 'Advance-Booking' Office, and many travel agencies. Go to only the agencies inside the station. Surat Thani Rail Station is a dirty, hot, outdoor station with a few food/souvenir stands around. If you have to wait for service connections from Surat Thani Rail Station, there are a few tiny restaurants right across the street from the train station with hard plastic chairs, and  internet service. The Queen Hotel nearby has a lounge downstairs that shows movies until 10:30 pm.

Surat Thani - Local Transfer Informatin
Local Public Transport - Local Orange or Red Busses (leaving every 15 minutes) will take you into Surat Thani form Phunphin.

Ko Samui - If you are going to the Gulf Islands (Ko Samui, Ko Pha ngan, and Ko Tao), buying joint train/bus/boat tickets from travel agents in Bangkok's Hua Lamphong Station will save you the hassle of running around to buy separate tickets. You can also buy joint bus/boat tickets from agencies inside Surat Thani Train Station.

Ferry Service - There is regular express boat, speedboat, night boat, and ferry service to Ko Samui, Ko Pha Ngan, and Ko Tao. A few daily ferries to/from Samui connect directy with the trains at (Phun Phin) Train Station. There are four ferry piers on the Surat Thani Coast, Ao Ban Don, Don Sak, Khanom, and Tha Thong. Don Sak Pier is the Main Pier. Ko Samui has three ferry piers - Big Buddha, Mae Nam, and Na Thon. Which boat/pier you get put on depends on what's available when you arrive in Surat Thani Train Station. In Chumphon, there is a variety of direct boat services from the pier there to Ko Tao.

Krabi / Phuket - Local busses go directly from (Surat Thani) Phun Phin Station to Krabi, Phang-Nga, and Phuket. Buses stop and pick up people just South of the train station if you want to avoid Surat Thani City. You'll have more transport choices if you go into Surat Thani City. The new bus terminal, used by government busses, is located just outside the city (on the way to the Phun Phin Train Station). The Talat Kaset Bus Terminal is in middle of city, and is the hub for private tour buses. The Talat Kaset Bus Terminal has two terminals, one for government busses, and one for minivans (departing more frequently).

Quick Facts on Surat Thani Train Service

*There are no 3rd class trains direct from Bangkok to Surat Thani. Take the train to Chumphon and transfer there to a Third-Class train to Surat Thani.
*There are no sleeping berths available the 'Sprinter' or First-Class Special Express Trains.
*28 trains per day (from points North and South) stop at Surat Thani Railway Station.
*Don Sak Pier is 60 km from Surat Thani City and 75 km from Surat Thani (Phun Phin) Station
* The Surat Thani Train Station is located in Phun Phin (14 km West of Surat Thani)

Surathani - How To get to Surat Thani By Thai Railways
Surat Thani has no tourist attractions, and its only purpose for tourism is as a jumping off / transfer hub for the Gulf islands (Ko Samui, Ko Pha ngan, and Ko Tao), or for rail / bus access to Andaman Coast destinations like Krabi, Phang-Nga, Phukett, or Ko Phi Phi. Take an Overnight Train (several daily) on Thai Railways Southern Line from Bangkok's Hualanphong Station to Surat Thani (Phun Phin), (12 hours). These trains arrive in early morning, for convenient transfer to other train lines, boats, busses, or minivans. If you are going to Ko Tao, it may be easier to get off the train in Chumphon (for direct Ko Tao boat services). You can also get to Surat Thani by train from points South, such as Hat Yai on Thailand's Southern Train Line. You can get to Surat Thani by train from Malaysia and Singapore as well, however the international connections may be difficult to book.

Thai Railway